• Location: The North Sea

Dan Bravo Rationalization

The Dan Bravo platform rationalization concept is to de-man the Dan Bravo Complex (achieve unmanned platform status) to reduce/avoid the number of upcoming replacement and maintenance tasks. 

Platform processing systems have been minimized to fit the new operation mode, incl. areas such as separation, flaring, fuel gas, power, communication, and utility systems. The overall concept is to reduce OPEX and increase platform lifetime. 

ISC MC&C department has developed completion management planning for offshore execution, shutdown, and start-up activities. The planning reduces the shutdown time and thereby increases production from the field throughout the installation phases; it also ensures that the installation and start-up go as planned according to operational safety and start-ups. 

In the process, ISC MC&C has created installation test sheets and handover certificates, prepared construction work orders and work order documentation packages, and developed commissioning/start-up procedures, including:

• Completion and commissioning coordinator 

• Create a completion management plan with boundary drawings

• Participate in the completion and commissioning planning meetings 

• Set up completion management software

• Create a work order for a construction contractor in alignment with a completion management plan 

• Create construction work order documentation 

• Create Commissioning & start-up procedures with boundary drawings 

• Offshore supervisor on site 

Supplementary Information 

Dan Bravo is the first oil and gas production field in the Danish sector of the North Sea. The Dan Bravo field was discovered in the '70s and is approximately 200 km (125 miles) west of Esbjerg. Dan Bravo has been in production since 1972, but with this prolonged project, the platform's life is extended until 2042. Typically, operation life for an offshore platform is limited to 25 years.