• Location: UK North Sea
  • Capacity: 450 MW/430 MW
  • Installation: 2018
  • Topside Weight: 1,100 tonnes
  • Water Depth: 27 meters
  • Substructure: MP/TP/Cage
  • Client: Innogy/Siemens

Green energy for 800,000 households

Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm will be able to provide sustainable energy and power to more than 800,000 UK households yearly. The offshore wind farm is expected to be fully operational by January 2022, and here, the 90 Vestas wind turbines will be able to produce green power. The wind farm is located 32 kilometers from the Lincolnshire coast. 

Detailed design 

Triton Knoll consists of two offshore substation platforms (OSP) with array cables going from the wind turbines to the substations, allowing the power to be transformed before going to shore. The two substations combined will be able to generate 880 MW of clean energy. 

We have provided the detailed design of the two substations, including both the topside and substructure.